INDDAIS TOKEN — Best Security Based Token Inddais is a community-based, high-principle cryptocurrency that aims to provide transparency in profit distribution by integrating timed yield fields and liquidity-locked smart contract vaults in its ecosystem. Inddais is the first cryptocurrency of its kind that empowers you to experience the highest power of blockchain technology by providing …

Crypto Pirates

CRYPTO PIRATE: Creates engaging gameplay that attracts players’ interest and provides an opportunity to earn tokens. Token Bajak Laut Crypto Any profits we make will be shared and shared with our community. In addition, profits we earn elsewhere such as games, game loans and any services we offer will be shared with our CPT community. …


An innovative platform for virtual reality developers. Big Metaverse is a decentralized and distributed platform that leverages blockchain technology. It is built for big data and machine learning application services. The unique structure of the Big Metaverse system allows engineers to build complex network applications very quickly without having to worry about the network, as …


Metacoms — everything to make your digital life comfortable  Centralized systems have long been at the center of all solutions for business, communications, studies, and more. However, cracks began to appear. A single point of failure often occurs with centralized applications and makes the offered solution unsustainable. The world needs a multifunctional solution for communication. A platform is needed …

Lambo Finance

Lambo Finance” is a cryptocurrency investment fund for the public and offers attractive investments  Dear followers and readers, this is a time with deep feelings to bring you useful news about this wonderful platform. I have been following with passion the capacity of this platform cannot be ignored. with simple information i will give to you, it …

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